
Donald Trump meets with Republican party boss in Washington

“This year, they’re obviously taking on an added level of importance”, Brent Leatherwood, Executive Director of the Tennessee Republican Party, said.


Trump has said whoever goes to the GOP convention in Cleveland with the most delegates should win the nomination, even if that candidate does not have 1237 delegates, the minimum required under party rules to win on the first ballot.

RNC officials at Thursday’s meeting raised concerns that Trump could portray the party as having tainted the process in favor of a particular candidate, said a person familiar with the meeting who asked not to be named so as to discuss the matter more freely.

Time magazine reports anti-Trump Republicans in SC are preparing to contest being bound to Trump as a result of his threat to the pledge on Tuesday.

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“… And certainly, you know, if you were running for president of the Kiwanis Club or the Boy Scouts and you said you don’t know if you like the Kiwanis or the Boy Scouts, I think that makes your challenge even greater to ultimately win those kinds of posts”, he said.

The website fivethirtyeight noted that the way states select delegates works against Trump. And with each delegate increasingly valuable heading into a potentially contested convention it could be catastrophic for Trump.

Trump, who also has sought to contain the fallout from his Wednesday comments supporting punishment for women who have an abortion, said on Twitter afterward he had a “nice meeting” with RNC Chairman Reince Preibus but divulged no details.

His meeting at the Republican National Committee (RNC) in Washington lasted 30 minutes but details were scant. Some of this stuff is pretty startling, I understand that we’ve got some drama in our side of the aisle that we’ll have to contend with we’ll be prepared to like never before.

“It is clear Rubio and his supporters don’t support Trump”, Holt said.

Political analysts are suggesting his unexpected surge to the nomination has been slowed as Republicans and others begin to question his views and say that his chances are bleak of winning November’s election against the expected Democratic Party nominee, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. However, if a candidate fails to meet the threshold, delegates are no longer bound to them and are free to pledge support to another contestant.

Trump handily won Tennessee’s GOP primary with 39% of the vote. I want to see how we’re treated. And Haynes said his cell phone was flooded with calls from angry Trump supporters, to the point that he now has to get a new phone. Listen, I don’t worry about who is the strongest candidate. “You have to have cards on the table”, he said.


Alternatively, Trump could start to listen to what he says is his wife Melania’s longtime admonishment: “Darling, be more presidential”. “They’re picking establishment picks who don’t support Donald Trump, and it’s just the same effort that they’re conducting all over the country to steal a vote here, steal a delegate there, to affect the outcome of the convention in July and take the nomination away from Donald Trump”.

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