
Amy Schumer slams Glamour Magazine for calling her ‘plus size’

Schumer posted her response to Glamour on Instagram, sharing her confusion about being placed in a magazine labeling her body plus-size without her consent. “Handsome healthy women”, Schumer wrote. “There’s nothing wrong with being plus size”, she says, but at least ask first – right after nailing down the actual definition of plus size. The issue, which, according to Glamour in a statement released this afternoon, is “aimed at women size 12 and up”, angered Schumer, who believed it insinuated that she was plus size.


Amy Schumer is less than pleased that Glamour magazine called her “plus size”. What are your thoughts? “Not cool glamour not glamourous”, the 34-year-old actress wrote on Twitter asking her followers to weigh in. “Thanks for your thoughts to the people who didn’t tell me how I ‘should feel, ‘” she captioned a video herself flying a kite in a bikini. The mag denies calling the star “plus size” and apologizes for any misunderstanding.

Amy Schumer arrives on the red carpet when Glamour Celebrates the 25th anniversary of the Woman of the Year Awards on November 9, 2015.

The leftwing feminist’s chief complaint was that by labeling her as “plus-size”, the publication was sending the wrong message to “young girls”. “Singling women out for their size, and making a point about it is never glamourous”, tweeted Juliette Gash. The cover image itself is from past year, and readers will find interviews with Amy Schumer and Melissa McCarthy from 2015, Lena Dunham from 2014 and an editorial starring Christina Hendricks from 2011.

If there’s one person you don’t want to start a beef with, it’s Amy Schumer.

Graham talked to Entertainment Tonight last summer about the stigmas of being referred to as a plus-size model, so she probably agrees with Amy Schumer about being included the new Glamour bonus magazine.

Despite taking pride in their appearances, they have spoken against the use of the term “plus size”, with Graham saying: “I think the [term] “plus-size” is totally outdated”.


Wells went on to write that there was “no way she’d be an object of heated romantic interest in the real world”.


Amy slams Glamour mag