
CDC Finds No Change In Autism Prevalence

Approximately 1 in 42 boys were diagnosed with ASD, compared to 1 in 189 girls.


Autism is a neurodevelopmental syndrome characterized by impaired non-verbal and verbal communication and social interaction. It will also allow NSU to provide parent and professional training to build knowledge and skills about effective interventions for this disorder.

While it’s clear that more children than ever are being diagnosed, questions remain about what has fueled the rise.

A government report released Thursday shows no change in how common autism is among USA children.

“In order to prevent autism, we may need to consider not only pregnancy, but also pre-pregnancy health”, M. Daniele Fallin, director of the Wendy Klag Center for Autism and Developmental Disabilities at the Bloomberg School, said.

“Although we did not observe a significant increase in the overall prevalence rates in the monitoring sites, we continue to see the disparity among racial and ethnic groups”, says Dr. Li-Ching Lee, PhD, ScM, a psychiatric epidemiologist with the Bloomberg School’s departments of Epidemiology and Mental Health, and the principal investigator for the Maryland-ADDM.

“The most powerful tool we have right now to make a difference in the lives of children with (autism) is early identification”, Shapira said. “It’s important to remember that children can be connected to services even before an official diagnosis is made”. The company is now enrolling a Phase III double blind, randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial (known as the Blüm Study) to examine the effect of CM-AT in children ages 3-8 with Autism. The study said that only 49% people said that they have heard about a disability called autism, while 74% were not aware about it. Only 47% citizens believed that autistic children could study with other kids, rest of them had a negative approach towards the co-education, said the survey.

The most recent rate is almost double that of 1 in 101 in 2000, the New Jersey Autism Study shows.

The new data is from 2012.


She said improvements are needed in early diagnosis, which, together with appropriate and early treatment, can “significantly modify abilities and quality of life for the patient and their entire family”. One in 64 non-Hispanic whites were diagnosed with ASD, compared to 1 in 76 non-Hispanic blacks. In communities where both health and education records were reviewed, the rates are from a low of 1.24 percent in parts of SC to a high of 2.46 percent in parts of New Jersey. The uncertainty is especially acute because while researchers have pinpointed certain risk factors, including genes and the environment, they still don’t know all of the causes.

CDC Finds No Change In Autism Prevalence