
Taxpayers not footing bill for Kanye’s Pan Am performance, say organizers

Kanye West experienced a disruption of his own when his microphone stopped working during his set at the closing ceremony of the Toronto 2015 Pan Am Games on Sunday, Billboard reported.


Organizers say taxpayers aren’t footing the bill for Kanye West’s headlining performance at the Pan Am Games closing ceremony on Sunday.

He threw his microphone into the air and left the stage as it came crashing down.

Much like the Opening Ceremony from Toronto just over two weeks ago, it’s going to be a huge spectacle at the Rogers Centre. Canadian singer Serena Ryder and Latino rapper Pitbull also performed. Devoid of the grand opera styled stage and the ballet dancers of his Yeezus tour, this was just Kanye featuring Kanye, swaying back and forth wildly on the large stage. I guess they only paid him till 10pm.

“I felt like he felt his so-called cover was blown”, Papernick said.

Kanye West’s set was reportedly breathtaking, although it lasted a mere 13 minutes. A petition to keep Kanye from closing the games was signed by over 50,000 people.

Purves and McKelvie were part of a group of eight women who play together on a volleyball team in Sarnia and travelled together to Toronto to watch the Pan Am games. First, he was performing with the lights on which is just beyond freaky and odd.


He was supposed to end the show with a rendition of “Gold Digger”, but his strop heralded a premature end to the show. United States won 265 medals, followed by Canada with 217, then Brazil with 141.

Kanye West throwing mic