
Stephen Hawking to discuss AI in week-long Reddit AMA

As such, the good professor will be the first Ask Me Anything (AMA) guest on Reddit to ever hold a week-long session. Get ready for a thrilling, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity: the author of “A Brief History of Time” is taking to Reddit for a reworked AMA.


If you don’t know who Dr. Hawkings is, he is one of the world’s most brilliant minds in the field of physics and even with ALS and at the age of 73 he continues to contribute to the scientific community. But as a result of his slower communication methods, Hawking’s AMA will work a little bit differently, and he will be taking questions for a full week, starting on Monday and ending on Tuesday, August 4. He will be answering the majority of the questions that come from the community. Hawking is supposed to use this platform to discuss the concerns he has with artificial intelligence. In January 2015, Hawking and other experts in the worlds of science and technology signed an open letter issued by the Future of Life Institute.

How will privacy risks interact with cybersecurity and cyberwarfare? “Whereas the short-term impact of AI depends on who controls it, the long-term impact depends on whether it can be controlled at all”.

The AMA will kick off on Monday, July 27 at 8am (Eastern Time) / 1pm (British Summer Time) on Reddit’s /r/science subreddit, so make sure it’s pencilled into your calendars.


The Q&A session was made possible by Nokia and Wired as part of their #MakeTechHuman initiative, whose goal is to promote discussions about how technology can be used to improve humanity. The forum’s manager, Victoria Taylor, was dismissed without any public reason last month, with Reddit ownership allegedly asking the forum’s unpaid moderators to take over, which included appointing Q&A sessions with celebrities.

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