
Ted Cruz Campaign To Stop In San Diego

Ronna Romney McDaniel, chairwoman of the Michigan Republican Party, said she’s committed to Trump for the first round.


Twenty-five of Michigan’s 59 delegates pledged to vote for Trump, the GOP presidential frontrunner, while 17 will vote for Ohio Gov. John Kasich and 17 for Texas Sen.

“He really doesn’t present any evidence and when we did our own research, we found there’s still no evidence that Ted Cruz is somehow connected to the distribution of this photo”, said Katie Sanders of

There was concern about schemes to recruit shadow delegates who would not represent their declared candidates’ interests beyond voting for them on a first ballot in a deadlocked convention. Although Trump beat Cruz in that state on March 5, Cruz may end up with more delegates from Louisiana than Trump. On the Democratic side, Bernie Sanders picked up another win in Wyoming’s caucuses, but both the Vermont senator and rival Hillary Clinton were campaigning in NY.

Donald Trump’s unfavorability rating has risen to a whopping 70% according to a new AP/GfK poll.

“Should it go beyond three ballots, I personally will support the victor of the Florida primary and I personally think that’s what delegates should do – respect the will of the voters”, Barnett said.

“Should these regional differences persist, it would dilute the delegate advantages accrued by the victor of the June 7 California primary”, Field Poll director Mark DiCamillo wrote. Sanders has 1,068.

Manafort cited Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Connecticut and Maryland as states where Trump would do well. The more he distances himself from the Republican Party, the more the people like him.

Here is a list of each candidate, and their past and future appearances in upstate NY.

He said it was “amusing” to see the Democratic front-runner join New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo this past week to celebrate a bill raising the state’s minimum wage to $15, noting that she supports raising the federal minimum wage to only $12. She made a stop at Junior’s restaurant in Brooklyn, where she spoke admiringly of the cheesecake, before her campaign event.

The Republican presidential primary race is revolving entirely around the Broadmoor World Arena in Colorado Springs, Colo., on Saturday.

Republican political strategist Stu Sandler said he thinks a contested convention could be more likely after Trump’s recent loss in Wisconsin, too. Dozens of Cruz volunteers in bright orange shirts were fanned out, handing out glossy leaflets naming 14 delegate candidates who will back Cruz.

But if a candidate wins with less than 50 percent, he gets two delegates and the second-place finisher gets one.

But with the odds of a historic contested convention growing larger and larger – especially after Ted Cruz’s big win in Wisconsin this week – every delegate counts.


Not all conservative Latinos favor Trump or Cruz, nor the harsh tone of much of the immigration rhetoric heard in the presidential race.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks during a campaign rally Wednesday