
GOP candidate John Kasich confident he can win Pa. primary

“I think that would be a awful idea for the Washington power brokers to change the rules, because they’re unhappy with the candidates who the voters are voting for”, Cruz told radio host Hugh Hewitt on Tuesday.


John Kasich attended a Center City Philadelphia fundraiser Thursday, hoping to reel in the support of Pennsylvania Republicans who’ve backed somebody other than Donald Trump and Ted Cruz.

Independents can vote in Wisconsin’s open primary – and are more inclined to back Trump (37 percent) than Cruz (26 percent) or Kasich (26 percent).

“He’s rude. He’s arrogant”.

Since announcing his intentions to seek the Republican nomination for president, Donald Trump has been speaking his mind on several issues, not always to his benefit. While he initially said that women who undergo abortion should be punished, he has now released a statement admitting that he could have “misspoken” about the topic, according to ABC News.

It’s the second consecutive major poll to show Cruz up by 10 percentage points in the state ahead of its primary on Tuesday. The Republican party event is created to spotlight the GOP presidential candidate – although only two of the three will be there. Thus far, he has won 48% of the delegates awarded.

If Mr Cruz sweeps all the delegates in Wisconsin, Mr Trump will need to win 57% of the remaining delegates in other states to collect the 1,237 he needs to clinch the nomination. Only 63% of Kasich voters say they’re definitely going to vote for him (Cruz and Trump are both over 80% on that metric), so if his supporters end up moving to one of the top two it could mean a wider Cruz victory.

Ron Van Den Heuvel, also of De Pere, said he has been a Cruz supporter for a while and shares numerous same Christian beliefs and values that are seen throughout Cruz’s campaign.

Trump doubled down in defense of Lewandowski, claiming he has no intention of “discarding” him.

Clinton herself is hardly silent.

Walker, a Republican who has endorsed Cruz, declined to criticize Trump during the interview. But let’s remember this: “all the Republican candidates want to make abortion illegal”.

Cruz’s former rival Fiorina was the only one who made a passing reference to Trump, saying he represents the powerful, wealthy establishment figures who benefit from the current tax structure and would fight against Cruz’s plan to simplify it.


But Trump will soon get some help. “If the nominee is somebody I think is really hurting the country and dividing the country, I can’t stand behind them”. But he began aiming heavy criticism at the NY real estate magnate after violence outside a planned Trump rally in Chicago earlier this month.

Donald Trump revokes pledge to support Republican nominee