
Does Ted Cruz regret his “New York values” slam against Donald Trump?

Trump canceled events in California and Colorado.


Rules adopted by the Republican Party of Florida past year require the state’s convention delegates to vote for the statewide primary victor – Trump – for the first three convention ballots. Trump alienated many female Republican voters by saying that women who have an abortion if the procedure were banned should be punished, a position he later backtracked on. He also said that although he has been in touch regularly with the Cruz and Kasich campaigns, he hasn’t heard anything from Trump.

“Mr. Manafort will oversee, manage, and be responsible for all activities that pertain to Mr. Trump’s delegate process and the Cleveland convention”, a statement Thursday from the campaign read.

Donald Trump holds a 7-point lead over Ted Cruz in a new California Field Poll, but his support in Southern California is a mixed bag – as the Republican front-runner faces a large deficit in Los Angeles County while drawing broad support in surrounding Orange, Riverside and San Bernardino counties. Sixty-four percent rate Cruz negatively, while 25% view him positively.

“I don’t really feel like either one is that trustworthy”, said Devin Sternadre, 26, a student from northeastern Ohio. (He drew 69 percent of the votes there.) But that was a caucus state dominated by activists who are far more conservative than even the average Republican, making them more of a natural Cruz constituency. And if they do endorse, they take on some of Trump’s political baggage, he said.

When asked whether that audible play was something the Trump campaign had instructed him to do, Polisi said, “Nope”.

California has 53 voting districts, and each carries three delegates. South Carolina Republicans vote in their presidential primary on Saturday. “If these regional differences persist, the delegate allocations will be more divided (among candidates)”. “Everyone knows what NY values are”. Trump is expected to easily win the state on April 19. Cruz isn’t the favored candidate of the so-called “establishment”, but among Republicans who remain in the presidential race he is viewed as someone who might win in November.

“At first, I thought he was great”. Governor John Kasich’s only real hope of becoming the Republican nominee is a contested convention in July, but that didn’t stop young supporters from coming out Thursday to a deli in the Bronx to lend their support to the longshot.


Despite his Wisconsin loss, it’s not impossible for Trump to win a majority of delegates by the Republican convention – but the odds are building against him.

Graphic shows potential scenarios for contested Republican convention 3c x 4 inches 146 mm x 101