
Bernie Sanders wins Wyoming caucuses

“The nomination process has reached a point that requires someone familiar with the complexities involved in the final stages”.


In elevating Manafort, Trump said he would add more staff before the convention in an expansion of his campaign team beyond the close-knit group of advisers who have been at his side since he jumped into the presidential race last June.

Incidentally, Bethpage, Long Island, greeted Donald Trump on Wednesday with a massive rally the day after his spectacular defeat by Cruz in the Wisconsin primary. Roe said the Cruz campaign’s engagement with the granular details of delegate maintenance is producing a situation where “the guy who is trying to hijack the party runs into a guy with a machine gun”.

The Texas senator is well-positioned to pad his total Saturday, when 13 more delegates were to be chosen at the party’s state convention.

Trump also found himself on the defensive after retweeted unflattering photo of Cruz’s wife, and committed what may have been the first costly gaffe of his bid when he bungling a question about abortion. “He also understood that winning isn’t enough, that it’s about how you win and how much you win”. John Kasich got only 14 percent.

Wyoming Democrats were holding caucuses Saturday, with 14 of Wyoming’s 18 convention delegates at stake.

The imbroglio over the now infamous phrase began at a Republican debate in SC when Cruz attempted to undermine Trump’s conservative bonafides by attacking his “New York values”.

The ballroom floor was littered Cruz campaign slates (the tip sheets indicating which delegates are endorsed by the campaign). Before Saturday’s statewide delegate vote, Republicans in each of Colorado’s congressional districts voted on three delegates. The gambling magnate has always been comfortable with Cruz, but he has remained on the sidelines rather than investing his vast fortunes into the Republican campaign.

Voiceover: In Iowa, Ted Cruz sneered at our NY values.

“Maybe they didn’t see the advantage of being in Colorado”, said Steve House, chairman of the Colorado GOP, who recently met with members of Trump’s campaign to discuss their odds in the state.

Two of those rules, Numbers 16 (d)(2) and 16(d)(3), were adopted by the GOP convention in 2012 and have never before applied: The rules’ Byzantine legalese may amount to this: Some lawyers interpret the abstruse and lengthy language to mean you can’t be seated as a delegate if you come from a state where voters who are not registered Republicans can vote in the GOP primary.

“We have a team on the ground there”, Brookover said. “I think he is saying whatever he thinks will sell to get him a vote, and I think he’s playing on the fears and prejudices of a lot of people to intimidate people into voting for him”. “But our first instinct is we’re going to be well past 1,237” by the time Trump arrives in Cleveland.

Manafort cited Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Connecticut and Maryland as states where Trump would do well.

“I like that he has started a dialogue in our party that we need to have”.

Trump’s spokeswoman and his campaign manager did not respond to requests for comment on Thursday.

“It’s no surprise that Trump’s team will lash out with falsehoods when facing a loss to distract from their failure, as they have the entire time”, said campaign spokeswoman Catherine Frazier.

“Now that we are in the second half of this campaign, we are going to state after state which I think have a more progressive outlook”, Sanders said.


“The irony for Trump is no one wanted to work for him who knew how to do anything”, the operative said.

Cruz finds unfriendly crowds in New York city