
Donald Trump aide insists Republican CAN win enough delegates to clinch nomination

While Cruz is leading in Los Angeles County and those living in the state’s vast but sparsely populated interior, support for Kasich is evenly spread across the state, although he is stronger in the San Francisco Bay area. And Kasich supporter Chuck Yob – the father of Republican operative John Yob – beat Cruz supporter Rep. Justin Amash for the other spot on the credentials committee.


Manafort said on CNN’s “New Day” program on Friday that rival Ted Cruz, the USA senator from Texas, will not be able to dent Trump’s delegate lead before California’s June 7 primary.

And Alan Cobb, a Trump senior adviser focused on delegate strategy, said it would be a win if Trump received any delegates in the state. One is that his campaign has been organizing here for months to get its supporters through this complicated process.

The survey began four days before Trump’s week from hell began, but his numbers didn’t slip as the week’s events played out, DiCamillo said. And New York is now like, “Haha, no thanks”. This requirement makes their selection especially important if front-runner Donald Trump is unable to win the 1,237 delegates required to secure the presidential nomination on the first ballot at the July 18-21 convention in Cleveland.

To limit any fighting, Michigan GOP Chairwoman Ronna Romney McDaniel said Wednesday she will try to ensure the 17 delegates the state party leaders put forward are delegates that support the candidate they must vote for on the first ballot. Ted Cruz in third at 22 percent, according to the Washington Post-University of Maryland poll. He took a light-hearted jab at Clinton’s move to NY in 2000 to represent the state in the U.S. Senate.

“You don’t want rules at the last minute that seem to favor or disfavor one candidate or another”, he said.

All are campaigning in New York, Trump’s home state, where the Republican primary will be held Tuesday, April 19.

What’s at stake this weekend; who will represent MI in the nomination process of a republican presidential candidate at the national convention in Cleveland?

There’s also a complication in Missouri, where Trump has been reported to have won 25 delegates to 15 for Cruz. Trump alienated many female Republican voters by saying that women who have an abortion if the procedure were banned should be punished, a position he later backtracked on.

But if younger voters aren’t completely sold on Clinton, they’re nearly united in opposition to Trump – and that alone could seal her victory among millennials. The margin of sampling error for all respondents is plus or minus 3.3 percentage points.

“The underpinnings of Trump support are pretty much the underpinnings of Schwarzenegger support”, DiCamillo said “These are people voting for an outsider”.

“I don’t know if Donald Trump has an operation here”, said Congressman Ken Buck, the chair of Cruz’s statewide effort here.


It would not win him or his supporters the White House, but it would give the Republican Party a sorely needed wake up call.

A delegate supporting Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump looks over documents at the Colorado Republican state convention in Colorado Springs Colorado