
NDP vote today on Tom Mulcair’s leadership

Delegates to the party’s federal convention voted narrowly to dump Mulcair as party leader after a lousy election result. “I won’t speak for all of caucus, but he has my support”. However, his final rallying cry earned him a standing ovation. We’ve always been a little more left than the Liberals. Yussuff, who said publicly he would not be supporting Mulcair, criticized parties who focus on parliament more than their own activists – a less than veiled criticism of Mulcair’s leadership. It was not immediately clear whether he would come out to acknowledge the outcome of the vote.


At the convention, the party signalled it has yet to receive all of its filings from Elections Canada, but it is projecting a debtload of as much as $5 million, a legacy of last year’s 78-day election campaign.

“When I first read the Leap Manifesto, I was excited because it reflected a lot of the things that I’ve been thinking about in terms of policy and politics”, he said.

“I share your deep disappointment in the election results”. It’s simply going to be discussed and we will engage in that.

At the convention, the NDP also voted to take the controversial Leap Manifesto back to their riding delegations to look it over.

“The party is in serious trouble now”, he said. Her province’s economy is highly dependent on the export of tarsands crude, a major source of carbon emissions and environmental damage. And now they’re saying we still can’t win at the federal level. “This is complete and utter BS”.

He says his party is hopeful that they’ll be able to draw from the energy that comes with a leadership review on the federal stage. In the finest spirit of New Democratic traditions, members debated the policies at the heart of who we are as a party. Stand if you want to unite progressives in Quebec with those in the rest of the country… “Where everyone belongs, everyone matters, and no one is left behind”.

Honestly, I’m not so sure if Mulcair was too centrist.

In the last election, we failed to effectively communicate our vision for a kinder, fairer economy that protects our planet and puts people first.

Canada’s only other NDP premier, Greg Selinger of Manitoba, was asked about the manifesto while campaigning in Winnipeg for a provincial election later this month.

Prior to Mulcair’s speech, delegates voted to adopt a motion to debate the manifesto’s ideas and proposals, including some classic left-wing proposals: a move away from fossil fuels, no new pipelines, higher corporate taxes and spending less on the military. The Trudeau Liberals’ “Sunny Ways”, meanwhile, continue to enjoy the support of a majority of Canadians.

“Of course, Conservatives believe the unfair status quo is just fine”.

Its divisive content within the NDP relates to its stance on climate change.

“My friends, the next few months will be critical in the fight for proportional representation”. They resoundingly rejected Thomas Mulcair, choosing instead to launch a leadership race to find his successor.


The party started the campaign as the official Opposition and led the polls at the beginning, only to suffer a catastrophic campaign that cost it more than half of its Commons seats on October 19.

Mulcair post leadership