
Rigged? Donald Trump Says Election Is Secretly ‘Stacked Against’ Him

Calling out the “shenanigans” he felt the Republican Party engaged in, Trump said the results were unfair.


JOE: No. That’s the speech of somebody that can win 49 states and would be enraged that he lost the 50th. “It’s the responsibility of the campaigns to understand it”, he wrote.

After scoring a big win this month in Wisconsin, Mr. Cruz has lost momentum on the campaign trail.

Sweep Cruz (45), a first-term senator, won all of Colorado’s 34 delegates heading to the national convention at party meetings without a state-wide vote and is poised to win all 26 delegates in Wyoming this weekend. Should he not win on the first ballot, delegates could start switching to Cruz or Kasich.

“Each state differs greatly in terms of the rules and requirements – most allowing you to change your status on or close to the date of voting, if even required”, Donald Trump’s eldest daughter Ivanka said in a statement, according to The Washington Times.

He [Walker] said he laughed when he read Trump’s comments.

Cruz also joked that Trump is doing so poorly in securing delegates that he would have to fire himself from his reality show, “The Apprentice”, and even got in a jab at New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, who endorsed Trump after dropping out of the race. The pledge was, of course, not legally binding, and as it became clear that Ted Cruz could beat him in a contested convention, Trump reneged.

But the campaign would matter: The analysis found that a Clinton-Trump contest would have tight races in Florida, Indiana, Maine, Michigan, Nevada, Ohio and Pennsylvania.

Mr Trump has broken an earlier pledge he made to support whoever the Republicans nominate, therefore refusing to rule out a third-party run. “And I think that feeds into the narrative it’s going to only embolden Trump’s supporters, and it’s making Cruz come off as less likeable than he already is”.

“Think before you take a step down the wrong path”, another said, “the American people want to have faith in your but it looks like a future in hiding is more appealing”. “So when you’re going to pick delegates, it just makes sense that we would work together”, said state Sen.


During a town hall style form Tuesday night on CNN, Trump denied ever considering Walker for a VP position and repeated his statement about simply “liking” the Governor and other former GOP candidates like Marco Rubio.

Ted Cruz tells Donald Trump to not 'whine' as 'whine's best served with cheese'