
Planned Parenthood official says no profit from fetal organs

The Daily Dot reports that the hackers “say they attempted to deface Planned Parenthood’s site” but were unable to … so much for that claim of the anti-abortion lobby calling on “the world’s most sophisticated hackers” to do its dirty work. Women at Planned Parenthood who have abortions are no different. “Instead of allowing them to offset their expenses it is better to provide resources to health organizations that do not perform abortions”, Thompson added. The recording showed negotiations between Planned Parenthood officials and the buyers discussing charges for the parts they wanted and the abortion procedure used to harvest the organs.


As 10 or more videos are expected to come out in the following weeks and months, how will Planned Parenthood weather the criticism of its fetal tissue donation program and policies?

In a statement issued by Planned Parenthood’s Louisiana director, Melissa Flournoy, she said, “there is no financial benefit in fetal tissue donation for the patient, the health center or Planned Parenthood“. According to Cecile Richards the ones that released the video are “nothing but militant anti-abortion extremists”. These videos have put this group as well as their democratic allies on a defensive posture. It’ll be interesting to see what surfaces when [Planned Parenthood] is stripped naked and exposed to the public. Several states have announced investigations, including Louisiana, Arizona, Georgia and Texas.

Lynch on Wednesday stopped short of announcing an investigation, but said the Department of Justice would “review all the information and determine what steps, if any, to take at the appropriate time”. “People are outraged by this and I think the American people deserve to have a vote on it”.

Planned Parenthood said it wrote a letter to State Sen.

Following the particular release of two secretly recorded videos that could feature the particular discussion of the expense of fetal tissue involving any Planned Motherhood employee, the organization’s president today said it’s done absolutely nothing illegal along with criticized those responsible for the videos.

About 40 percent of Planned Parenthood’s funding comes from government sources, including Medicaid managed-care plans. Long-standing U.S. law prohibits any federal funding for abortion.


Richards argues the organization broke no laws and bashed the Center for Medical Progress that produced the under cover videos. The hackers, who call themselves 3301, are threatening to decrypt and release internal e-mails.
