
Donald Trump Wants to Know How Joe Paterno is Doing

Police in the US State of Pennsylvania arrest several protesters at a Pittsburgh rally against Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump.


Nothing makes any sense, and it’s safe to say that JoePa won’t be “back” any time soon.

The City Paper obtained a screenshot purporting to be from Reddit, though the post appears to have been removed.

“People have been paid to intimidate others and cause havoc as a way of protesting Trump…” The message claimed about 50 people signed up to participate, with an additional 16 set to rove around and help avoid roadblocks from counter protesters. “It’s up to each individual to understand the laws on their own, I am not a lawyer”.

“How’s Joe Paterno?” Trump asked supporters Wednesday night.

Scenes of mayhem have become increasingly common at the billionaire NY businessman’s rallies, which have been frequently interrupted by protesters, many of them Democrats, who say Trump’s controversial remarks on immigrants and Muslims are unsafe. He said the plans for crowd management will protect “Constitutional rights”. “We will continue to monitor and validate the credibility of these threats throughout the day, and will respond accordingly”, a statement from Pittsburgh’s public safety office.


Administrators at the University of Pittsburgh, where Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Hall is located, said they were also aware of the threats and warned the open carry demonstrators were not permitted on campus.

Going into Pa., N.Y. primaries, Trump and Clinton hold leads, new Fox News poll finds: Monday Morning Coffee