
Fetal organs don’t fetch profit – Times-Gazette | Ashland & Ashland County, Ohio

Two videos previously released by the Center for Medical Progress have stirred up allegations that Planned Parenthood is illegally profiting from the sale of tissue of aborted fetuses – an accusation the organization has vehemently denied.


“E” told The Daily Dot that the hack was motivated by the edited videos that surfaced this month.

‘”I stand behind the health care that we provide at Planned Parenthood“. Richards said Sunday on ABC’s “This Week”.

The Daily Dot talked to one of the people taking credit for the attack, someone using the pseudonym “E” who says they acted as part of a group that calls its “3301”.

House Democrats have called for investigations into CMP, while the U.S. Attorney General’s office has said it will look into all aspects of the released videos.

But the media’s treatment of the controversy has come under scrutiny, as the Media Research Center (MRC) has researched how the broadcast TV networks covered two separate stories about Planned Parenthood.

Planned Parenthood, already a target of an anti-abortion group alleging illegal activity and congressional Republicans bent on defunding it, has confirmed that hackers have attempted to breach its systems.

A third Planned Parenthood video was released Tuesday morning that features a whistleblower who says her biomedical company would compensate Planned Parenthood clinics for fetal organs based on their condition and quality after being extracted from an abortion.

It has vigorously defended the legal procedure, however, focusing on the big picture benefits, and clarified that the only tender it accepts is to cover the costs of shipping the fetal tissue. The group tried to post anti-abortion messages on Planned Parenthood’s website and Twitter feed, but have failed so far.

A short resolution was offered that read, “Public money should not be given to Planned Parenthood and should instead be given to women’s health organizations that do not practice abortion“.

Planned Parenthood has two facilities in Louisiana, neither of which perform abortions.


Planned Parenthood’s president, Cecile Richards, criticized the “militant anti-abortion activists” on Sunday before the hack was reported, saying such activism does “nothing to improve the health and safety of women”, according to CNN. CMP claims to be an investigative journalism project, but its board members have strong ties to anti-abortion groups. One member of CMP’s board, Troy Newman, is the president of Operation Rescue.

While women are 'betrayed,' media ignores PP story -