
Vine now lets you watch an entire channel with one tap

The company is introducing a “Watch” button, which will let users watch a particular channel or account without needing to scroll. Now, users can watch all of those videos with a single tap.


The introduction of the new “Watch” button can potentially have an enormous impact in the consumption as well as creation of 6-second Vine videos.

Now Vine is getting updated on Android to allow you, the spectator, to watch an entire channel from start to finish with a single button instead of manually moving from one video to the next.

But for Vine, the watch button serves a very different goal: it’s not like these videos disappear or you have to watch them day after day. If not done so, the next video will automatically be played by the app. Once a user sees something they like, they can hold down their finger on the video to loop it and watch it again. You can also select which order the Vines will playback, such as chronological order, reverse chronological order, or by popularity. Now you’ll have the option of playing those six-second clips from disparate creators in one, steady stream. While you’re watching, you can tap and hold on a Vine to make it loop.

The newly-introduced “Watch” button – which is positioned next to the “Follow” option – will give Vine users the ability to watch a particular channel or account without the need to scroll.


When it comes to social media as well as having a life online, you know that there are many, many different kinds of apps which will take up your time and attention, and if one is not too careful to guard one’s time, it is all too easy to be dragged into a time sink.

Vine's New 'Watch' Button Lets You View the Entire Story of Any Channel