
Sanders joins striking workers at Verizon office

Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders campaigned throughout New York City on Wednesday, April 13, ahead of the state’s influential presidential primary, a pivotal battleground for the Democratic nomination. If so, Ted Cruz can blame it and his possible third-place finish on that dumb remark about “New York values”.


Sanders says looking at his “unbelievable crowd” makes him believe “we’re going to win here in NY”.

Heidi Cruz continued: “This was shocking to me, so we had a tough conversation about it. I said, ‘You don’t buy 100 of anything, much less canned soup”.

“The contrast between the Democratic and Republican candidates for President couldn’t be clearer”.

Cruz posted video of his ride on Twitter, and then referred to it during his rally in the park in the shadow of the roller coaster.

New York City offers by far the largest bloc of votes in next Tuesday’s primary, and campaign officials estimate that it could account for about 70 percent of the vote. The academy is like a think-tank for the Vatican. The Vermont Senator has won eight out of the last 10 primary/caucus states and says that his opponent’s stranglehold on the superdelegates will loosen when they see Sanders’ campaign can be successful and viable.

Deep in competition with Sanders for support from labor, Clinton is siding with the employees and slamming Verizon for trying to “outsource more and more jobs”.

So the next morning, it was a weekend morning, I loaded up our vehicle before he woke up and returned every single can.


Sanders picked up support from the local transit workers union and walked a picket line with striking Verizon workers- a small army of backers who could pass out leaflets in subways in the days ahead. “I value a living wage for all Americans, I value a justice system that treats everyone fairly, I value a government which works for all of us, not just Wall Street and powerful special interests – those are NY values”. The candidate said, “Well, you know, people say, ‘Why does Iowa go first, why does New Hampshire go first?’ But I think that having so many Southern states go first kind of distorts reality as well”.

Sen. Ted Cruz