
Sarah Palin Says Bill Nye’s ‘As Much a Scientist as I Am’

I’m not really sure why or when or how former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin became an authority on climate change, but in some corners of the world, she has become exactly that.


Nye was a tangential target for Palin at the Wednesday event in Washington D.C. due to his activism in promoting climate change awareness.

For those of you unaware (and what a sad lack of knowledge this must be), Bill Nye is a beloved scientist who hosted the children’s science show, “Bill Nye The Science Guy”. “He’s a kids’ show actor, he’s not a scientist”.

Palin responded to the clip by warning the audience to be wary of climate-change discussions because of a hidden political agenda among scientists.

The Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT) posted a video to YouTube on Thursday with Bill Nye ‘The Science Guy, ‘ discussing whether “climate deniers” and energy CEOs should be jailed like war criminals.

According to Mediaite, there will be a panel on May 2 that Palin is going to attend that will take place after the nation-wide screening of Climate Hustle in theaters.

Climate scientists often have to battle with the misconception that most global warming data is conflicted, or that scientists disagree on the true causes of climate change.

“NASA routinely communicates to the public about the results of NASA-related research on climate change and other Earth science results”, Stephen Cole, the agency’s public affairs officer, explained. It stars Marc Morano, head of skeptic blog Climate Depot, and is presented largely as a response to Merchants of Doubt, a documentary attacking skeptics and comparing them to the tobacco industry.

“I’m very passionate about this issue”, Palin told Variety.

In an interview with Morano in the film that he highlighted, Nye advocates for investigating people and companies who make a name for themselves doubting climate science.


“I’m all about mankind”. And the fact that the so-called rises of the sea levels have not materialised, and that any real scientist doesn’t back up man-made climate change at all, since it’s a cycle that has existed even before we did.

Sarah Palin Says Bill Nye Isn't a Real Scientist. He Is