
Be a Donor Month

“Ten years ago, I was involved in the effort to create the DMV/Donate Life registry and am thrilled to report it has grown to include more than 13 million people”.


Berryhill is an organ recipient and understands the importance of donation.

A bill meant to help educate high school students about organ, tissue, bone marrow, and blood donation.

April is national donation month, and Life Source and St. Luke’s Hospital in Duluth are hoping to bring more awareness to the lifesaving decision. NY is the only state that allows people to register as organ donors when they register to vote.

New England Organ Bank is the federally-designated, non-profit Organ Procurement Organization (OPO) responsible for the surgical recovery of organs and tissues for transplant throughout New Hampshire and the New England region.

There are now 445 people in the Rochester – Finger Lakes region awaiting an organ transplant.

According to the Canadian Transplant Society, an overwhelming majority of Canadians support organ and tissue donation, but less than 25 per cent of people have actually made plans to donate.

He and all the wonderful transplant children I’ve cared for are the reason why I am so passionate about organ donation.


Organ donation was in the spotlight at Jefferson Hospital today as part of “National Donate Life Month”. It makes it easier to choose to be a donor when enrolling for a driver’s license.

#48in48: Join Global News to start 48000 conversations about organ donation in 48 hours