
Holiday, calendar extend Tax Day to Monday

The deadline this year has been pushed back until April 18 due to Emancipation Day.


And while it’s not a day off in most locales, it is an official public holiday in D.C. (they even have fireworks and a parade down Pennsylvania Avenue). April 16, however, does fall on a Saturday, and in Washington, D.C., April 16 is a recognized as Emancipation Day, a holiday honoring the Emancipation Act of 1862, which ended slavery in the District of Columbia.

“You have paid for braces for your children and they are your dependent”, Tabatabai said.

You’ve got a few more days to file.

Local tax preparers are gearing up for the extra days by offering extended office hours, including this weekend, for last-minute filers. The hours are from 7:30 5 p.m.

Can’t Pay the Tax Due- The IRS notes that taxpayers who can’t pay by April 18 often qualify to set up a monthly payment agreement with the IRS using its Online Payment Agreement option. “I’d rather get it out of the way, move on with my life”, said Carlos Delgado.

But this year, the penalty for not having it has been stepped up so it is affecting folks a little bit more than it was last year.”, Hill says, “Generally, if somebody owes the penalty, they’re kind of surprised.

Don’t Worry About (or Wait For) Forms 1095-B and 1095-C- These forms show you what type of health insurance you had during the prior year, as mandated by the Affordable Care Act.

Many tax software companies began accepting tax returns earlier in January and submitting them to the IRS when processing systems opened.

In both Wisconsin and Minnesota, the state deadline is also Monday.


File For An Extension- But beware… filing for an extension only extends the time you have to file a return.

Tips for Monday's tax filing deadline                      KIVI