
Donald comes up Trumps in poll

He said that the Republican Party, which he only days before had threatened to abandon in favor of an independent run for the White House, has “been really nice over the past few days”.


Real-estate magnate Donald Trump has opened up a 2-to-1 lead over his closest competition in the key, first-in-the-nation primary state of New Hampshire, according to a new poll from Monmouth University released Tuesday.

It took flying across the world to get President Barack Obama to talk about Donald Trump – and let loose.

Trump was also asked about his faith at the summit. “In fact among people who support Trump, 15 percent say that they would go for Christie if Trump wasn’t in the race”, Murray explained. John McCain was not a war hero.

On MSNBC the next day, Trump endorsed a “merit system” for the millions of undocumented immigrants already in the country-something that sounds a lot like a path to some sort of legal status, if not citizenship. Trump calls an independent run “highly unlikely” but it depends “how well I’m treated” by party leaders. And they suggest the comments didn’t affect Trump in Iowa (he was at 16% before the comments and 18% after), but they did hurt him in New Hampshire (26% before, 14% after). Clinton won 23 percent, with Martin O’Malley taking 7 percent and the combined Republican field winning 5 percent. “I don’t see that happening”, RNC chair Reince Priebus said in a live exclusive interview with TODAY’s Savannah Guthrie.

Since a similar poll in late June, Trump’s support has risen 6 percentage points. The party’s best bet may be to see him ground down in the GOP contest with the hope his supporters will disperse to others in the field. Before that, one of the preferred candidates for his largesse was Hillary Clinton, who came to his third wedding in 2005. I mean, he’s got an unfavorability rate among general election voters anywhere between 57-59%, depending on the polling you look at.

The many other Republican candidates are in single digits.


(Trump is now in second place in Iowa and leading in national surveys.) Many political strategists believe it is only a matter of time before the Trump bubble bursts, either by Trump’s own hand or as a result from attacks by rival candidates.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks at a rally and picnic in Oskaloosa Iowa