
The ‘Unprecedented Move’ a Conservative Congressman Just Took to Oust John

It is unlikely the motion by Representative Mark Meadows to remove Boehner as Speaker of the House will pass or even come to a vote, but it highlights the friction within the Republican Party ahead of a presidential election in 2016.


Days before the U.S. House is planning to adjourn for its month-long recess, Speaker John Boehner is facing yet another challenge from the right.

The resolution to “vacate the chair”, as it’s known, was filed as a non-priveleged resolution, which means it will be referred to the Rules Committee rather than triggering an immediate vote on the House floor.

The resolution, obtained by POLITICO, states that Boehner has tried to “consolidate power and centralize decision-making, bypassing the majority of the 435 members of Congress and the people they represent”.

WASHINGTON (AP) – A conservative Republican who was disciplined earlier this year by House Speaker John Boehner is pushing a largely symbolic effort to strip the Ohio Republican of his position as the top House leader. It accuses the speaker of using the “legislative calendar to create crises for the American people, in order to compel members to vote for legislation”.

Boehner’s office declined to comment on Meadows motion on the record Tuesday night. Meadows’ vote reportedly angered Boehner, and the conservative was subsequently stripped of his chairmanship of the Government Operations subcommittee.

Rep. Richard Hudson, a North Carolina Republican who said he opposes the move, suggested that Meadows “wants to set up an August where this is the main topic” during lawmakers’ summer break in their home districts.

Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., disagreed with Meadows’ resolution, saying, “when you don’t raise any money, and you need a way to raise money, you do gimmicks like this”.

“There’s been no one that’s been stronger on the Iran message”.


In an interview with Levin, Meadows explained, “I felt like I had to take action on behalf of the American people”. Levin and other popular conservative talk show hosts have already called for removing Boehner, as well as Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., who like Boehner, they consider too moderate.

House conservative seeks Boehner's ouster - POLITICO