
Trump’s intense supporters help power his national lead

Although there is no current polling, Trump is reportedly expected to be competitive in the state’s primary.


Harmeet Dhillon, vice chairwoman of the state party, said the prospect of having all three remaining candidates make their pitch at the convention is driving enthusiasm among Republican voters to new heights.

Cruz has worked hard to clarity his now-famous phrase “New York values”, during his campaign trail across the state. If the “rules” can be used to block Coloradans from voting on whether they want better trade deals, or stronger borders, or an end to special-interest vote-buying in Congress-well, that’s just the system and we should embrace it.

Cruz remarked he’d then work to unify disaffected voters whose candidate lost at the convention for the November general.

While the Capitol rally took place, supporters of the Colorado GOP gathered outside State Party HQ in Greenwood Village to show support. Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, they don’t come into play.

One of Rubio’s first actions after that was to write to each state and territory where he had won delegates, asserting his right to keep those delegates going into the convention. “Some mornings I wake up leaning one way, others I wake up leaning another”, he said.

In the past, ever since primaries became the dominant system for selecting delegates, this hasn’t been an issue – because candidates who rolled up big delegate leads were broadly acceptable to non-supporters.

The other two contenders in the race for the Republican bid, Ohio Gov. John Kasich and Texas Sen.

There are 172 delegates up for grabs in the Golden State, 159 of which will be determined by the outcomes June 7 in each of the state’s 53 congressional districts.

Trump agreed to a brief interview as he was in his limousine Thursday night, returning from a Republican fundraiser in Suffolk County, Long Island.

The RNC has stood by its process and the friction between party officials and Trump has increased all week. You know, when you’re doing even a routine audit, you just don’t release your tax returns. “They took away my vote!”

In Indiana, your vote counts.

Trump has warned of “riots” and suggested his supporters will abandon the GOP en masse if he’s blocked from the nomination at the July convention.

Cruz has since said he did not mean to insult average New Yorkers, but instead the Democratic politicians who control much of the state government and New York City. At a table near the main hall, where pro-Trump candidate Cat Morningstar has provided her own essay about why she should go to Cleveland, Trump’s campaign has provided the email of the “Wyoming team”, and nothing else.


Trump blasted the Republican Party for trying to defend what he said was indefensible – but the decision to forgo an open caucus or primary in Colorado was made a year ago and widely publicized, local party leaders said.

Hunt: Cruz and Kasich need to be in cahoots to stop Trump