
Ted Cruz Picks Up More Delegates

But they were all included on the senator’s slates and are largely state party officials who said they were barred from signing a formal pledge for Cruz but have promised to back him in balloting at the convention.


Three congressional districts have already elected their national delegates, Ted Cruz swept all of those seats.

Cruz will be the only Republican presidential candidate coming to the convention.

“It’s a handsome state”, Sanders said at LaGuardia Community College, on the campaign trail in NY.

Donors weren’t necessarily enthused to be throwing their hard earned wealth at a presidential candidate who openly despises NY values, and is scientifically proven to be hard to look at.

If Trump can avoid any big missteps and win NY, we are going to hear the talking heads singing a different tune.

The next contest is April 19 in Clinton’s adopted home state and Sanders native state, New York. Clinton’s odds rose to 1 to 2 from 4 to 9. Bernie Sanders’ odds improved to 7 to 1 from 33 to 1.

Likewise, Cruz supporters are organizing in Iowa this week.

“We are conservative”, Diaz said, according to NY1.

California’s Republican Party denies it is Anti-Trump in any way.

The video ended with white text on a black screen that read: “New York values are American values”.

In politics this morning, it’s all about winning NY next week – for the Democrats and the Republicans.

Earlier in the day, she made a stop at Junior’s restaurant in Brooklyn, where she spoke admiringly of its famed cheesecake – but declined to partake.

The 2016 presidential race will soon hit California, and for the first time in a long time, California’s primary race will have a major impact on deciding each party’s nominee.

That’s where Colorado Republicans are meeting to elect 13 statewide delegates to this summer’s Republican National Convention. Trump’s organizers distributed a slate that listed incorrect information for four of his candidates.

With more than 600 candidates on the ballot, voting was set to take place by Scantron, with state convention delegates listed in circles next to the number of their choice.


Trump would need to win almost 60 percent of all the remaining delegates to clinch the nomination before the convention. So far, he’s won just 46 percent. When likely voters who are leaning toward a candidate are included, Trump’s tally of support reached 37 percent, compared to 29 percent for Cruz and 28 percent for Kasich.

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