
Senate Passage of Ex-Im Bank Amendment a Good First Step — AIA

And just this week, Utah Sen. “Lee found out about the email, he contacted McConnell, met with him, and apologized”.


“Mitch McConnell doesn’t want to cut off his nose to spite his face”.

Around 20 senators of both parties were on the floor watching some of the speeches.

Republicans running for president and McConnell are particularly operating at cross purposes, given the possibility Republicans could lose the Senate majority.

Asked Tuesday whether he wants McConnell to resign as majority leader, Cruz declined to comment.

But Cruz has been dripping with contempt for McConnell. They say that without Ex-Im, American exports, and by extension the economy with it, would suffer.

“I’m not sure they’ll be done with it”, he said of the Senate’s proposal. And if he does, he’ll have to decide whether to continue his role as a leading conservative provocateur, or try to begin working with colleagues he’s angered during his presidential campaign. You know there’s an old quote often wrongly attributed to George Orwell but it’s a powerful quote, which is: “‘In a time of universal deception, telling the truth can be a revolutionary act.'”.

Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Tx., has been a vocal critic of the Export-Import bank.

Cruz railed against McConnell for allowing a recent vote to reauthorize the Export-Import Bank, which passed 67-26.

Cruz came to the Senate floor on Sunday looking to get 11 senators to support his call for a roll-call vote and only three senators agreed with Cruz.

Republican leaders feared that employing such arcane tactics could prompt disorder in a body used to its customs and procedures.

Republican presidential candidate Sen.

“We’ve had to navigate some especially hard political terrain to get this far already”, he said with a light chuckle. “I don’t think it’s any particular surprise”, said Sen.

But the senate voted 49-43 to kill the health care measure, and McConnell’s motion fell short of the 60-vote threshold.

As with Lee’s parliamentary tactic, a simple majority is needed for Obamacare to be repealed through reconciliation. “Lee does business”, Carroll said. The debate on the future of the federal agency reached fever pitch on Sunday even as Senate voted in favor of an extension of the bank’s charter.

Even as nearly all of his Republican rivals have criticized Trump in one way or another, Cruz has repeatedly refused to do so. The issue could be litigated again Wednesday when the Senate Steering Committee, which Lee chairs, holds its weekly lunch with GOP senators. But the spokesman said the senator “recognizes the email was out of bounds, he takes this matter very seriously, and is acting accordingly”. Then, he said, the two chambers can work out difference between the two plans in conference, “the way it normally works around here”. Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.). That in itself isn’t unusual – Cruz is nearly always fussing about something – but then he really stepped in it by calling McConnell a “flat-out” liar on the Senate Floor. Mike Lee of Utah, tried to attach an amendment that would de-fund Planned Parenthood, but that move failed as well.

Minutes later, Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.), a reliable conservative, went to the floor to move up the vote on the bill. Nearly all said a deal is more important than how it is funded.

Yet Cruz has clearly made a different calculation. No one in the Senate spoke out to defend Cruz.

McCarthy argued that the Senate needs to pass the bill the House approved earlier this month, which gives the highway trust fund enough resources through December. 18 and does not address the Export-Import Bank. Instead, he’s trying to stop what he views as bad deal-making by GOP leaders too eager to capitulate.


“I’m headed to a gathering now”.

McCarthy: U.S. House Won't Take Up Senate Transportation Bill | Times Record