
Sen. Warner to meet with Supreme Court Justice nominee

But the statement says Grassley told Merrick Garland why the Senate won’t be moving forward on the nomination during what the statement called a “hyper-partisan election year”.


Grassley said he wanted to address the President’s remarks from his visit to the University of Chicago last week, in which he met with law students, and his remarks on the Supreme Court nomination.

Grassley told CNN “nothing has changed” and that he won’t be scheduling any confirmation hearings on Garland.

Even as he expressed openness to hearing Garland out, Portman listed the standard Republican arguments for refusing to schedule a vote on the nominee that President Barack Obama – a Democrat – forwarded after conservative Justice Antonin Scalia’s unexpected death. “This is something that, when you’re in a lame duck year, the president that’s leaving office shouldn’t fill it”, Grassley says.

Democrats point to Waverly as a case in point of their concerns: Nominated 14 months ago, the Nashville attorney was expected to fill a seat on a court facing a “judicial crisis” because the caseload is too large for the judges to handle.

He’s wants the Senate to hold a confirmation meeting.

Like Boozman, Cotton opposes confirmation hearings for Garland; he said Scalia’s successor shouldn’t be picked until after the November election.

“The Republicans argue because it’s controversial and there’s an election coming up next year, that shouldn’t happen during this year, the fourth year of the term”, Miller said. He has that power during the whole four years.

A former Grassley campaign staff member, Keith Uhl, is joining the chorus of critics who say Grassley needs to – in Uhl’s words – “man up” and hold a hearing.

Obama spokesman Eric Schultz declined to detail what was discussed at the meetings Tuesday but said that Garland “has enjoyed this process”. But most importantly, he has more federal judicial experience than any other Supreme Court nominee, ever, and his fidelity to the Constitution has earned him a vote.

“I am no stranger to political pressure and to strong-arm tactics”, Grassley said.

Republicans, however, are brushing off talk of Democratic gains in the entrenched fight. Patrick Toomey, who is running for re-election in that blue-leaning state.

More hard decisions, however, await.

Grassley, however, has gotten some helpful cover from conservative groups. “Public hearings before the Judiciary Committee would allow that the issues that we explored in my office today to be further reviewed and analyzed by the Senate”.


According to cafe owner Denise Diaz, she updated the menu and renamed it “Chuck Grassley: #DoYourJob” after being approached by Why Courts Matter Iowa, representing a coalition of liberal groups.