
George Clooney talks “obscene” money in politics

“Yes, I think it’s an obscene amount of money”, the Academy Award winning actor tells “Meet the Press” host Chuck Todd.


“As Zephyr Teachout demonstrated, there is a natural base for Senator Sanders’ kind of politics in NY”, says Jim Manley, a veteran Democratic strategist who supports Clinton.

Later, Clooney said he would fundraise for Sanders if he won the nomination over Clinton. Those who bought the priciest tickets did, however, get to sit at the same table as Clinton, Clooney and his wife Amal. Regardless, Sanders praised his rival’s supporter for his “honesty and integrity on this issue” during a Sunday morning appearance on CNN’s State of the Union, even though he has consistently denounced big-money contributors to political campaigns as a major tenet of his platform.

Still, we bet he wouldn’t say no to that Clooney money if he does win the nomination. Her advisors had initially hoped to avoid a protracted fight in California, one of the last states to vote in the presidential primary, and a place where the race was expected to be over by the time voters cast ballots June 7. While that money is distributed through all levels of the party, the Clinton campaign ultimately decides where it goes.

Clinton leads Sanders by 251 bound delegates to the July nominating convention.

The New York primary has taken on symbolic significance for the Democratic candidates in the historically blue state. Chelsea also spoke highly of her mother’s leadership in women’s rights and providing benefits for families – it was something she grew up with, she said. Sanders said Sunday on ABC’s ‘This Week With George Stephanopoulos.’ “How does raising money and the way you raise money reflect that future?”

“You know, in virtually all of the general election match-up polls between Trump and Secretary Clinton and Trump and Bernie Sanders, in nearly all of those polls, I do better than Secretary Clinton”, Sanders said Thursday night during the Brooklyn Democratic debate, attributing his strength to independents.

In between the fundraisers, Clinton also did some campaigning. “She is out there raising money for the wealthy and the powerful”. Earlier on Thursday, Sanders denounced as “inappropriate and insensitive” a warm-up speaker’s call at a Manhattan rally for Sanders on Wednesday to stop electing “corporate Democratic whores”, a remark seemingly aimed at Clinton.


The Sanders supporters blasted “Hail to the Chief” and “We’re in the Money” as Clinton drove by, and once she passed, the group danced in the street, stomping on the dollar bills.

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