
Christie presidential bid gets ‘Trumped’ in New Hampshire

Trump’s lead was outside the poll’s margin of error-a relatively rare feat given the crowded field and the sample size-but the usual caveats about making too much of a single poll taken this far out from an election do apply.


According to the Monmouth University poll, Trump has not lost momentum due to his “not a hero” comment about Sen. (Another new addition to the poll, Ohio Gov. John Kasich, had 7 percent support.). Rand Paul, from 14 percent to 4 percent. “I don’t think it was really an indication people were looking to vote for him“, Smith said, noting that many voters aren’t yet paying attention to the 2016 race.

The governor and Republican presidential candidate, fielding a question at a New Hampshire town hall meeting about securing the border, argued the Republican Party is “not an anti-immigration party” but rather that the GOP is against “illegal immigration”, he said.

Christie, who has long opposed recreational marijuana and said early this month that he has never tried pot, has stated that unlike President Obama he would not selectively choose which federal laws to enforce.


At least one prominent political figure believes Christie will make up the ground.

Christie presidential bid gets 'Trumped' in New Hampshire