
House GOP, Priebus meet on convention rules

Cheyenne: Ted Cruz today won all 14 delegates in the Wyoming State Republican convention, a morale-boosting victory for the Texas senator against the controversial presidential front-runner Donald Trump ahead of Tuesday’s crucial NY primary. Additionally, of all the candidates who made it past the New Hampshire primary, Rubio is the only one who hasn’t endorsed another candidate, a move that would allow his delegates to vote for that person.


Cruz has got a better ground game. “You could have a very angry group of people at the convention and I hope that doesn’t happen”, he added, hinting at the reaction of his supporters if he doesn’t win the nomination. But if no candidate gets 1,237 votes on the first ballot, delegates then can support anyone they want – and for many North Carolina delegates, that’s Cruz.

How delegates will be chosen The delegates will be selected by elected members of the New York Republican State Committee in May, but the exact date has not been set.

Each of the state’s 13 congressional districts are holding GOP conventions this month. Any registered Republican can apply online to be considered as a delegate.

Republican delegates are under more scrutiny this election cycle because it is possible no candidate will secure the nomination prior to the convention in June. Trump won the 3 district, and its three delegates and three alternates.

Nix said the committee will consider whether applicants have donated to the party, held leadership roles or volunteered for campaign work.

Republican Party supporters call the protests sour grapes, blaming Donald Trump’s supporters for not learning the rules. Of the 12 already picked, nine are pledged to Cruz, one to Trump, one to Florida Sen.

“There was a heavy Cruz influence at the 2nd District convention”, he said. “Nobody wants to look like they’re trying to give an advantage to one candidate or another”.

Greene says the delegate selection process tends to be dominated by party activists who attend local GOP meetings, volunteer and donate regularly.

“(Trump) doesn’t understand the process”, she said.

When including superdelegates, or party officials who can support any candidate, Clinton has 1,758 to Sanders’ 1,076.

Even a few hundred votes for Carson could hurt Trump’s position in New York’s proportional system of allocating delegates.

Asked by Gregory about the prospects for a contested convention, in which there is no presumptive nominee coming in, Romney said, “I think that depends on whether Mr. Cruz and Mr. Kasich stay in the race aggressively through California”. “There’s no way to manipulate it”.


In Wyoming and Colorado, he said, “the people never got a chance to vote”. “We’re in all likelihood going to have a battle in Cleveland to determine who the nominee is”. “He is the presumptive nominee going forward”, Lewandowski said.

Shribman: Tracking the Ted Cruz moment