
Johnny Depp ‘apology hostage video’ to Australia goes viral

Do any of you remember the dog-smuggling issue involving celebrity couple Johnny Depp and Amber Heard in Australia in May 2015?


The celebrity couple also recorded an apology in a video recording which was submitted to court. She avoided a 10-year prison sentence and up to $265,000 worth of fines, instead receiving a one-month good behavior bond and no conviction.

You’ve probably heard that Johnny Depp and his wife have apologized to Australia after a brouhaha over bringing their dogs into the country. Stephen Colbert joined in on the action, filming his very own irreverent apology to Australia.

Along with not declaring their dogs Sparkles, Lurch and Colonel Dog Face, Colbert droned, “Nor did we declare my colony of parakeets, whom I rightfully call the Funky Bunch”.

The couple took turns speaking about Australia, its laws and its people in the video, though that did not make it any less awkward.

They say they had to launch on iView because the ABC “gave them a lot of money” which is now “all gone“.

“Looked like he was auditioning for the Godfather” but did not “think he’ll get an Academy Award for his performance”, Australian Deputy and Agriculture Minister PM Barnaby Joyce told CNN, poking fun at the apology video. In the video below, Colbert appeared in a video of his own and made light of the situation and joked about smuggling pets of his own and a woman into the country.

To close the mock apology, Colbert promises “to further honour your proud island of exiled British degenerates” with a performance of the “national anthem”.

“This is uncomfortable to watch”, Kimmel said after playing a clip of the apology.

By now there have been several parodies of the Johnny Depp/Amber Heard apology video, and rightly so because it was absolutely weird.


“Let’s run the rest of it through a Snapchat filter and see if it’s better that way”.

Moving on On Monday his wife Amber Heard received a $1,000 fine and a one-month good behaviour bond at Southport Magistrates Court