
Sean Hannity to Ted Cruz: ‘I’m getting sick of it’

Heidi Cruz campaigned for her husband, Ted, in Wayne Wednesday, reminding about 100 supporters that he will “protect constitutional freedom, not his viewpoint, but that of the constitution”, The Record reported.


“Upon winning his home state, Donald, with a characteristic display of humility, declared this race is over, Manhattan has spoken, and if the rest of the voters would quietly go home now and allow him to give the general election to Hillary, all would be better”, Cruz said according to Politico. “I’m getting sick of it”, Hannity said. “You gotta stop! Every time I have you on the air, and I ask a legitimate question, you try to throw this in my face”. Representatives of yours talk to them (delegates) and are persuading them to vote for you on a second ballot. The radio host asked Cruz about the tactics of delegates and process by which they vote for a candidate, something Hannity said is an “integrity of the election” question. As Cruz himself pointed out, the question Hannity insisted he answer could have been framed by the most ardent Trumpster.

“Can I answer your question without being interrupted?” an exasperated Cruz growled, perhaps underscoring the growing rift between anti-Trump Republicans and the right’s Entertainment Class. “All of this noise and complaining and whining has come from the Trump campaign… Ted often says that he can’t win this election but we can if we bind together”. “We have the team to win”, Lonegan said.

However, the Associated Press reported that Christie joined Trump during a private visit with Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, ahead of a Trump campaign rally at the nearby Indiana State Fairgrounds.

“Now there is a second component beyond the election”, Cruz continued, “which is that individual delegates are elected by the people”.

“I can not help that the Donald Trump campaign does not seem capable of running a lemonade stand”, said Cruz, who later called Trump’s campaign “a Kim Kardashian reality show”.

CNN has reached out to the Trump campaign for comment. They don’t show up.

Hannity said it has been a long time since there’s been a contested convention, and feels like the American people are confused about the procedures involved.


On multiple occasions Cruz suggested that Hannity simply repeated the talking points of Trump fanatics-echoing a long-standing criticism of the Fox News host’s cozy on-air treatment of The Donald. “There’s nothing illegal about it. But apparently some of you Trump supporters think that Cruz is so reprehensive, so disgusting, so rotten, the only way any delegate would support him is if he’s paying ’em off”.

Ted Cruz