
Chris Christie hurt by Donald Trump in NH poll

As Donald Trump rises to the top of political polls among Republican candidates for president, the biggest loser may be Gov. Chris Christie in the crucial primary state of New Hampshire. Only among moderate to liberal GOP voters – a small chunk of the GOP electorate – does the New York real estate mogul trail Bush. The bad news in the Trump run comes for Walker, Christie and Cruz, who most Trump supporters said would be their second pick if the reality TV star was not running.


Is Donald Trump really in the presidential race for the long haul? The RealClearPolitics polling average now has Christie in ninth place.

Trump has gotten widespread coverage and hasn’t yet showed signs of a slow down.

One surprise: Newly announced Gov. Kasich registers in New Hampshire with much greater support than candidates who have spent months in the race.

It’s also a similar story nationally, where Trump holds an average lead of 4.5 points over Bush, 6.5 points over Walker, and 11.4 points over Rubio.


Of course, like any good conservative, Christie has previously advocated for states’ rights-an advocacy that apparently stops at actual conflicts between state and federal law.

Mark Von Holden for POLITICO