
George Clooney slams ‘obscene’ sums of money in United States political campaigning

According to Naughty Gossip on Saturday, the Hollywood actor has finally admitted that the $353,000-per-ticket fundraiser that he and his wife Amal hosted for the former First Lady is an “obscene” amount of money to spend on dinner.


They both agree the federal minimum raise should be raised, but Democratic presidential primary opponents Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders continued their fight over who is right about how to raise it Sunday morning.

‘It’s a criticism of a corrupt campaign finance system, where big money interests – and it’s not Clooney, it’s the people coming to this event – have undue influence on the political process’.

A lopsided defeat in NY would crush the narrative that the momentum is on Mr. Sanders’ side and would put him even farther behind in the all-important delegate race.

Mr. Sanders – who stresses that he is a huge fan of Mr. Clooney – used Friday night’s fundraiser to again draw clear distinctions between himself and Mrs. Clinton. Clinton fired back, pointing to a Sanders interview with the New York Daily News to argue that he would let the big banks decide for themselves whether they should be broken up. And I was like, ‘Well, you kind of got me on that one’.

Bill Sandberg, a 29-year-old protester, said he had just been laid off from Zedo, an ad tech startup: “‘Bernie’s actually for the people, Hillary’s just bought and sold'”. Well, the event was this weekend, and it turns out Clooney agrees with Sanders. The ones he and other Democratic donors support “would probably cost us a lot of money” while “the Koch brothers would probably profit if they get their way”. He also wanted to clarify that the “overwhelming” amount of money that he has raised is not going directly to Clinton.

He added, “You know we all need to lighten up here, have a little sense of humor”. “We frequently hear about how much money Senator Sanders is raising, maybe he can send a few of those $27 donations to the DNC and state parties across the country to help the party he hopes to lead”. They’re absolutely right. It is an obscene amount of money.


Sanders was asked about Clooney’s “Meet The Press” comments on Sunday’s “State of the Union”.

George Clooney hosted weekend fundraisers in California on behalf of Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton