
Cruz Claims Crucial Win in Wyoming

All of which might be moot if Trump has a strong run through some favorable upcoming primaries, including NY on Tuesday. You must have been registered by last October to vote in the primaries – just ask Donald Trump’s kids. His path is narrow and perilous.


On the Democratic side, Hillary Clinton, a former NY senator and U.S. secretary of state, and U.S. Sen.

With three Republicans – Trump, Texas Sen. Supporters of Donald Trump and Gov. John Kasich were shut out, much to their dismay.

Trump has been running against the D.C. establishment since the first moment of his candidacy, and he has used Cruz’s “voterless victories” in Colorado and Wyoming to illustrate the corruption in the GOP.

To be sure, Trump will have to start doing a lot better than he has so far. If a delegate tries to violate it, that delegate will be removed from the convention and their vote will be recorded as pledged, he said. It won’t be easy.

Westrate said there were only eight applicants running for the six delegate and alternate slots in his district. Each candidate knew them. Otherwise, again, he has to share. This is very different than a recent Field poll in California, which found a significant gender gap in Trump support. “I’m winning with the voters and we’re winning big”. Every poll in America says so, but Ted Cruz’s campaign is using every underhanded tactic he can think of.

Trump’s running total: 821 delegates.

Pennsylvania could be trouble for Trump. If he does well, he could get 22 delegates. Trump’s volatile temperament and ignorance of policy, according to this view, make him ineligible. If he does well, he could get 32 delegates. He was awarded all of South Carolina’s 50 delegates, too. How candidates are chosen for the ballot is left up to forces unseen, which is opening the eyes of many who have become active in the process for the first time.

Indiana’s May 3 primary is important for Trump. By continuing to rack up small wins, Cruz is gaining ground on the real estate billionaire, who has failed to shift his focus to the local-level campaigning necessary to win delegates.

West Virginia is another unique state in which voters elect 31 delegates in the May 10 primary. As in the 3rd, most of the 7th District’s delegate and alternate slots went to longtime volunteers and activists, said district GOP chair Jim Miller.

But in the case of Wisconsin, the impact is muted because its delegates are more strictly bound, he said.

Nebraska’s 36 delegates are winner-take-all. There, delegate counters think Trump should win most and perhaps all of the state’s 95 delegates. “Complaints now? Give us all a break”.

This could be Trump’s D-Day.

Dunn blames Cruz’s third place in polling to his knock against “New York values”, and predicts it could help Trump finish above 50 percent today.


Cruz has benefited from a deep, grassroots campaign effort in Wyoming, where the state GOP machine has detailed rules for the delegate selection process. Instead, Trump will appeal to the American people.

Ted Cruz wins Wyoming nominating contest as he closes gap on Trump