
Generations share in Passover traditions, rituals

But not necessarily. “This ruling permits it. It doesn’t require it. I never served kitniyot at Passover and I’m not going to start serving them now”.


In a couple of days, I will be sitting with my family at the Passover Seder, a meal wrapped in a service of remembrance, with prayers, songs, symbolic foods and the retelling of how G-d took us out of Egypt from slavery to freedom.

Rabbi Kramer feels removal of chametz has a deeper meaning than just cleaning a house because “we should all be looking for the smallest crumbs to remove from our personality”.

Chabad of SCV is hosting their seder tonight at 7:45 the Chabad location in Newhall. The event is open and free to all military, Department of the Army civilians and their Families.

The fact that Jesus and his disciples were dedicated practicing Jews, as reflected in their Passover observance, is often overshadowed by emphasis on the ceremony at the end of Jesus’ Passover Seder, which became the Eucharist sacrament in Christianity.

The news is full of sad and depressing stories – some far away in Ukraine, Israel or Syria and some closer to home involving political candidates making obscene statements or the real threat of Islamic State and suicide bombings.

Wait! Why Do We Eat Matzah on Passover?

For Miriam Allenson, Passover is of course an occasion steeped in religious tradition, filled with ancient, solemn customs and abounding in time-honored holy symbols.

Instead of bread, Jews eat matzo – bland, cracker-like, unleavened flatbread – throughout the holiday, especially at the Seder.

For Jews, the freedom that Passover commemorates is joyous.

“We are always thinking about those questions and the student is the one who always asks them”, said Blum.

My own thinking (and previous experience) is that many people approach Christmas as an exercise in nostalgia – a connection to and a reliving of powerful past memories as a child of magical twinkling lights, glittering trees, and presents wrapped in attractive paper and bows.

Now in its 40th year, the program brings a smile to many faces in need, said B’nai B’rith leader Harold Miller, who has been in charge of the program in this region for more than 25 years.

What’s the Passover story?

The holiday of Passover marks the anniversary of the exodus. “They ate matzo. Throughout the ages we’ve been able to hold on to the tradition and keep the lessons alive to remind ourselves we are inherently free”. However to prevent any non-Passover friendly foods (known as chametz) getting in to their meals most Jews generally avoid any processed food during the week which hasn’t been certified as “kosher for Passover” (it’ll have a stamp on it to confirm that it is).

Since language shapes our thoughts and perceptions of reality, what does it mean when a people does not have a word for their history?

Hauss explained it is a type of “New Year” celebration that differs from the traditional Jewish New Year of Rosh Hashanah in that it focuses on the individual as well. “We want people to share in our religion just as we share in the religion of others”.


On the first night of Passover, Jews around the world gather with family and friends to partake in a Seder, or ritual feast, and retell the story of the Exodus, remembering how God led their ancestors out of slavery in Egypt. “It is a holiday for us to value the lessons of freedom and the story of origins of the Jewish people”.

Passover 2016: 6 Things You Probably Didn't Know About Matzo