
Oklahoma day care closes after 2 children severely sunburned

Two boys were sunburned so badly during a day care field trip to an Oklahoma water park that they were airlifted to a Texas children’s hospital.


They also reported that the Happiness Is A Learning Centre has been investigated 19 times by DHS in the past year but for minor issues.

The boy’s mother applied cream to soothe the pain caused by the severe sunburn. “What you can’t see is that there are a bunch of tiny blisters forming on his skin underneath the cream, which is why it looks like that”. She then took them to Claremore Hospital for a second opinion, where the boys had their blisters lanced.

The boys’ mother said she had dropped her children of at the nursery at 9am, knowing they were going to a waterpark called Splash Pad.

Graphic photographs show the excruciating burns two young brothers suffered after their daycare reportedly ran out of sunscreen. They had spent the day at a water park and day care staff apparently told Shaunna that they did not have sunscreen and the boys refused to keep their shirts on.

The family has since filed a police report and is planning to hire an attorney.

“I got off work at 5 p.m. and went to pick them up, and they were clearly burned”, mom Shaunna Broadway told BuzzFeed.

Broadway says she wants the daycare to take responsibility, so that what happened to her sons won’t happen to anyone else.

The boys suffered severe burns and were flown to Shriners Hospital in Galveston, Texas.

The state Department of Human Services said it was investigating the day care, Happiness Is a Learning Center over the sunburn incident allegations.

“This is absolutely very bad and he obviously should not have been left in the sun, but I know that when I worked for a childcare position I was not actually allowed to put sunscreen on kids if the parent hadn’t provided it to us”.

Broadway said the sun was 118 degrees that day and she even heard on the news people were warned not to go outside.

The day care service has been visited in the past by the department for a list of non-compliance violations.


As of Tuesday, the children were still at the hospital, according to their grandfather.
