
Marvel’s Inhumans Movie Vanishes from Release Schedule

It’s all the more impressive when you consider some of the insane stuff Marvel Studios’ president Kevin Feige and his army of writers and directors have managed to cram into these movies, from the crazy, to the hilarious, to the admittedly quite very bad. In an interview with Collider, Marvel honcho Kevin Feige pointed to the fact that Disney/Lucasfilm’s next Indiana Jones film is scheduled for the weekend following Inhumans, July 19. With cosmic Marvel franchises like Guardians of the Galaxy 2, Captain Marvel, and the first half of Avengers: Infinity War on the schedule well ahead of it, by the time we get to Inhumans, things should be nicely laid out. “How far down it shuffles, I’m not sure yet”, said Feige. Last year, rumors hit the web that Marvel Studios was planning to scrap its introduction of the Inhumans to the Marvel Cinematic Universe after Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. made the superhuman race a critical element of their ongoing story.


“But so what”, says you, the informed Marvel Comics fan.

This isn’t the first time Inhumans will move on the schedule, as it was originally slated for November 2nd, 2018, but was soon bumped to the following July. “The movie was going to give us cooler Inhumans anyway, like the ones from the royal family and newer ones created to definitely not replace the X-Men”. However, on that fateful night on February 9, 2015, Spider-Man came home to the Marvel Cinematic Universe.


Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if Marvel Studios scraps the Inhumans movie in its entirety. They have dozens of powers and an awesome social structure.

Marvel's Inhumans Gets Indefinitely Delayed