
Bernie Sanders Trounces Hillary Clinton In Individual Fundraising Contributions, Again

“They know the good, the bad, they know me and they’re tough”. “It also surprised nobody”.


“It’s a rigged, crooked system that’s designed so that the bosses can pick whoever they want and that people like me can’t run and can’t defend you against foreign nonsense”, Trump charged at the Indiana State Fairgrounds.

Republican presidential candidate John Kasich holds a packed campaign town hall meeting in the ballroom at a Crowne Plaza hotel April 19, 2016 in Annapolis, MD. Bernie Sanders, who has vowed to continue fighting for the democratic nomination even as his path narrowed considerably after losing NY. “All of his bluster and all of his bravado is created to hide that simple fact”, he said. This is more than the 1,237 delegates required to win the Republican presidential nomination. “What is clear today is that we are heading to a contested convention”, he said.

Clinton’s win put her at 1,887 delegates, including the so-called super delegates who have pledged to support her, while Sanders trailed at 1,174.

Trump notes that with no path to victory in the first ballot, all Cruz can do is “be a spoiler” which is “never a nice thing to do”. “I will beat Hillary!”

There is some high-level support for Kasich in the Pennsylvania GOP – including former Gov. Tom Ridge and national GOP committeeman Bob Asher – and that creates the potential that a bloc of delegate votes will favor Kasich. The state will send a huge contingent of delegates to the GOP convention in Cleveland – 71 in all.

“I don’t think any Democrat’s ever won saying, ‘We can’t think that big – we ought to really downsize here because it’s not realistic, ‘” Biden said. We’ve been criticized for staying in states for too long that we can’t win or that we already had won. The next round of primary elections are scheduled in the states of Maryland, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Delaware and Rhode Island.

“But then the race goes out back West”, he said.

He added Trump has a “real problem winning west of the Mississippi River” and that Western state contests create an “ominous storm-cloud for the Trump campaign”.

However, as per Fox News, the two are tied in a close race in California.


Sanders collected one more delegate from rival Hillary Clinton on Friday after a challenge from his Alaska campaign found that proxy voting cards issued during the March 26 caucus were in violation of caucus rules, according to Sanders’ state coordinator, Jill Yordy. The event is being called the “A Future to Believe In Rally”.

How each Brooklyn neighborhood voted in the Republican primary. Image via NYT