
Hillary Clinton has a big problem

Laura Washington, columnist for the Chicago Sun-Times and analyst for ABC 7 News, said that, going into the NY primary, opponents of both Clinton and Trump had an opportunity to “reset the game”.


Both candidates pulled off double digit victories and racked up the majority of delegates in what both campaigns viewed as essential wins in the Empire State.

But Trump’s rivals have said he lacks foreign policy expertise, and several foreign leaders have said they are concerned about the idea of Trump in the White House.

Cruz’s deep evangelical Christian roots could give him a boost in Indiana.

In an interview on CNN, the Republican presidential frontrunner’s son asserted that Cruz would not be able to reach the 1,237 delegates needed to secure the Republican presidential nomination.

Norman Solomon, a journalist, political activist and Inverness Park resident, is running in an upcoming caucus to serve as a delegate in the Second Congressional District for Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, at the Democratic National Convention in July in Philadelphia.

Bernie Sanders has a long list of demands for Hillary Clinton to meet if he is not the Democratic nominee, demands that would basically make Clinton a Sanders 2.0.

“I recognize that last night was a good night for Donald”.

“He took over a state and in four years turned it around, crated jobs, balanced the budget as he has done in Congress”, Hwang said.

Now, I’m not a Sanders follower who believes he can do no wrong, but I see in him the desire to represent the people. “That’s what my appeal is”, Kasich said. “But a Trump-Kasich ticket loses to Hillary Clinton”, Cruz said.

“What is clear today is that we are headed toward a contested convention”.

The challenge drew applause from the almost 200 Indiana residents at an event in Plainfield, Indiana, Saturday. After that round, the delegates can change their vote, and the Cruz campaign says at least 19 of the delegates plan to do that.

“We will get most of the delegates and we will, in just another week, close the door on other candidates getting to 1,237 before the convention”, the memo said.

“Values forged in NY”, one Sanders’ ad said. “If he’s defeated there, he’ll have to do better in California, and he may come up a few delegates short”.


Clinton has consistently maintained a lead since early March. However, he praised Sanders for his tough fight against Clinton.

D Trump in PA