
Israeli Supreme Court rules contested West Bank settlement complex must be

Western nations have called on Israel to halt such projects.


That is, ending the occupation of the Gaza Strip, the West Bank. including East Jerusalem, and the Golan Heights; recognizing the fundamental rights of the Arab-Palestinian citizens of Israel to full equality; and respecting, protecting and promoting the rights of Palestinian refugees to return to their homes and properties.

The report of the group said Israeli forces carried out disproportionate and indiscriminate attacks, killing at least 135 civilians over those four days. The Israeli Prime Minister’s office said Wednesday it has approved the “immediate co…” “The homes in Beit El will be destroyed and will immediately be rebuilt”.

On Tuesday, about 200 protesters were removed from the buildings; 50 were arrested.

Police used water cannon to push back protesters and detained a number of people.

That move was not enough to quell the anger of settlers who clashed with security forces at the Beit El site.

The latest approval came after the Israeli High Court upheld a demolition order for the two structures.

Moreover, planning approval was released for the construction of another 413 homes in East Jerusalem.

Since peace talks with the Palestinians collapsed in mid-2014, Israeli settlement-building activity in Jerusalem and the West Bank has increased dramatically.

A senior official from the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) denounced the move as “war crimes”.

Jewish settlers watch the demolition of two partially-built dwellings in the West Bank settlement of Beit El on July 29.

Most countries consider the settlements that Israel has built in occupied land as illegal. Israel had evacuated the colony in 2005.

According to the statement, the 300 units had been promised three years ago following the demolition of other homes in the Beit El settlement.

Baruch Gordon, director of development Beit El Institutions, slammed the Supreme Court decision, claiming the judicial body was “out to crush the spirits of an entire public that the court feels threatened by”. “It is undemocratic and absurd”. “All of these other buildings around will also have to come down”.

“If this building must fall”, she added, “then the government must fall”.

Gordon charged that Justice Miriam Naor, the Supreme Court president, “is saying that ‘I recognize and know in two weeks or two months they will rebuild”.

Also swift was Netanyahu’s response.


“To flagrantly use violence in such a manner is a awful mistake and it is unforgivable”, he said, calling such actions irreconcilable for the religious Zionist Jewish Home Party.

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