
Senate Energy Bill Would Move Northwest Projects Forward

“There are a few examples of where the bill gets it right”, said EDF Action President Elizabeth Thompson, “including grid modernization and increasing clean energy, and the Sensible Accounting to Value Energy (SAVE) amendment, which would help American families save money through energy efficiency”.


“The Senate definitely did its job today”, said Cantwell, referencing Senate Democrats’ mantra in the fight over confirming Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court.

Now she will have to convince the House to join her in the middle. The Senate voted Wednesday on an energy modernization bill.

“The Senate passed the legislation by a vote of 95-3 and it is now headed to the House for consideration”. Introduced by Shelley Moore Capito, R-W.Va., and Heidi Heitkamp, D-N.D, the amendment would affirm a federal commitment to carbon capture utilization and storage and implement a study of the benefits of federal contracting authority for carbon capture utilization and storage price stabilization. A big chunk of Lake Clark National Park would be named for Alaska’s late “bush pilot governor” Jay Hammond, whose widow still lives on the lake.

The amendment was offered by Sen.

Murkowski’s legacy effort isn’t over. Last week, for example, appropriations panels in both houses of Congress approved spending bills that would give DOE’s Office of Science just a 0.9% increase next year, to $5.4 billion; that is less than what the Senate authorizing bill envisions.

But Murkowski was optimistic, calling that disagreement “resolvable”.

At a press conference after the vote, Murkowski expressed confidence that the differences in the two bills would eventually be resolved.

The bill, a compromise that aims to streamline energy consumption while sidestepping issues that stir partisan controversy like climate change and fossil fuel exploration, will now be reconciled with a similar U.S. House of Representatives bill that passed past year.

Other provisions in the bill include one that would open up the judgment fund, which Gardner described as “sort of a slush fund” that pays off in cases brought against the federal government and is without oversight, Gardner said. Callahan commented, “It’s been a long time coming, but Sens”. The provision was co-led by Senators Rob Portman (R-OH) and Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) and had the support of Senators Joe Donnelly (D-IN), Maria Cantwell (D-WA), Thom Tillis (R-NC) and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY). It also would update building codes to increase efficiency and strengthen electric-grid safety standards, among dozens of provisions.

“LNG isn’t the only victory we secured in this bill”, Barrasso aid.

“What we’ll be moving now is what was achievable in the Senate”, Murkowski said in an interview.

He wrote a blog post headlined “Senate Energy Bill Better than Doing Nothing”.

The Senate’s bill would require the Department of Energy to issue a decision on Liquefied Natural Gas export facilities within 45 days of publishing an environmental review.


The firearm industry trade group and other partner organizations worked closely with senators to ensure inclusion of provision which allows for states to utilize Pittman-Robertson funds in the creation of public shooting ranges on federal lands.

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