
Crowds build for Hillary Clinton event in Wilmington

Bernie Sanders (Vt.) in tight races in CT and Rhode Island, two states that hold their primaries on Tuesday.


After adding 89 delegates last week with his trouncing of Cruz and Kasich in his home state of New York, Trump could net at least another 90 Tuesday night, which would increase his delegate lead over Cruz.

He even bestowed a nickname upon Kasich, calling him “1 for 41”, a reference to the governor’s abysmal win-loss ratio in nominating contests so far. “So our job on Tuesday is to create the highest voter turnout in the state of CT, and let us have the great state of CT help lead this country in the political revolution”.

With fans and supporters chanting “Bernie!”

The right-wing Senator Cruz remains in the Presidential race to “block” Mr Trump from getting the Republican nomination, even though it is now mathematically impossible for him to win outright himself. Politicians “don’t listen to people if they are not involved”. There are 1,633 votes still available and a Democratic nominee has to have 2,383 delegates needed to cement his or her nomination for the Democratic Party.

Never before have superdelegates lifted a candidate to the Democratic nomination when he or she trailed in pledged delegates.

A majority of Clinton supporters (52 percent) say Sanders should withdraw if Clinton clinches the nomination before the convention, while 39 percent say he should stay in.

Put another way: Hillary Clinton could lose every single remaining state and still be the nominee as long as Sanders doesn’t beat her by an average of 59 percent in each and every remaining contest.

“Poor people don’t vote”, Sanders said when recently quizzed as to why he feels his message hasn’t inspired the way he hoped it would.

“I don’t think she can ignore the Democratic campaign altogether”, Texas Democratic strategist Harold Cook said.

Let us just say, to Ted Cruz and his campaign… please stop being a bigot. After tomorrow, the only big primary left is California in June. Results will be reported from 313 precincts on Tuesday, compared to more than 430 precincts reporting in a general election. Clinton has to collect about 440 more delegates to reach the 2,383 required to become the Democratic standard-bearer.

The former Secretary of State leads Vermont Sen.

Podesta was reacting to Trump’s apparent use of a fake Indian accent to mock a call centre representative in India during a campaign rally in Delaware.

In turn, Kasich will give Cruz “a clear path” in IN and shift campaign resources to OR and New Mexico.

Polling places will be open from 7 8 p.m.


The campaign raised more than $29.3 million in primary contributions in March, of which more than 50% of the $29.3 million came from grassroots online donations.Nationally, Trump has support from nearly half of all Republicans, compared with 28 percent for Cruz and 17 percent for Ohio Governor John Kasich, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll.

Clinton's Closing Argument