
Destination American will air live exorcism in conjunction with 66th

Here’s a development that might make your head spin: Cable channel Destination America will host a live exorcism this fall. The special promises to revisit the story and the St. Louis, Mo. house where the ritual was performed on Roland Doe in 1949.


It’s been more than 40 years since double Oscar-winner The Exorcist arrived in theaters in 1973, but the abundance of exorcism-themed films in the ensuing years have made it apparent that moviegoers’ fascination with the phenomenon hasn’t waned.

Exorcism: Live!” will premiere in October to coincide with 66th anniversary of “The Exorcist“. Psychic medium Chip Coffey will conduct the exorcism while joined by the cast of “Ghost Asylum“, the paranormal TV series that airs on Destination America.

Entertainment Weekly first reported earlier this month that Destination America was planning on airing a live exorcism special. “The ghost hunting team will use state of the art technology to do daytime and nighttime investigations, documenting as much evidence as they can of these true-life demonic entities on live TV”. Destination America, an offshoot of Discovery Communicatins, will also post live feeds from vantage points throughout the house on its website, allowing viewers to track and tweet any anomalies they witness too.


“As we step into one of the most haunted and well-known spirit destinations in America, Exorcism: Live will show exactly what is inside this infamous, highly risky and possessed home”, said Marc Etkind, Destination America GM.

Exorcism Live TV