
Doom’s single-player campaign finally goes on display

If you have been wondering what the new DOOM single player campaign maybe like you are sure to enjoy this Twitch stream which has been published by the games developer id Software and teases a few sections of the new game and what you can expect.


Yesterday, what appeared to be an incomplete trailer showcasing Doom’s single-player campaign turned up on Reddit.

“We don’t put story front and center at all”, says executive producer Marty Stratton during the stream. “So you can always try and get a little bit further than where you see that collection of helmets early in the game”. Here’s the kicker: “When you find these, you unlock the full version of the map, and you get to play from the menu”, according to the id guys. They mention that the Praetor Suit upgrades will allow the player to upgrade various attributes that will do things like speed up the Glory Kills or allow for quicker environmental scanning.

The new Doom is an homage to the old-school original in more than just its fast movement and outlandish weaponry. That sounds promising. There will supposedly be a codex filled with info on the various monsters, weapons and story elements, along with a plethora of collectibles and other unlockable secrets scattered throughout the game.


Doom will be launched on the PC, the PlayStation 4 from Sony, and the Xbox One from Microsoft on May 13 all over the world.

DOOM single-player footage streamed by Bethesda