
Planned Parenthood Website Hacked

White House spokesman Josh Earnest described a series of undercover videos about Planned Parenthood released by the “Center for Medical Progress” group as “fradulent” because they were highly edited.


“Would it be unfair to say that you’re simply taking your talking points from Planned Parenthood on these videos?”

Florida Governor Rick Scott has now launched an investigation into Florida’s 16 Planned Parenthood office though the group says that their Florida chapters do not donate body tissues under any circumstances. Meanwhile, Planned Parenthood’s website has been taken down by hackers, though no specific group has claimed responsibility yet.

“The people in the Congress of the United States who are moving to defund this organization should be ashamed of themselves”, Malloy said.

“We want to acknowledge that hearing laboratory conversations about research out of context can be jarring, especially when the conversation is being manipulated for the goal of attacking women’s health care”, the statement continued.

Malloy was dismissive of the videos.

“I looked at those videos and said ‘Let’s just make sure everyone in our state is compliant with the law.’ That’s the right thing to do”, he said.

See more of our coverage on the misleading Center for Medical Progress videos here.

“We are doing all that we can to upgrade our extensive security systems and to foster an environment in our country where providers of essential women’s health care and their patients are not subject to threats, harassment and intimidation”, Laguens said in a statement. However, several users said they could not imagine their lives without their unplanned children.

The vote to defund Planned Parenthood will come at some point, in the end it will be largely symbolic.

Planned Parenthood receives about 0 million a year in federal funding.

Visitors to Planned Parenthood sites, which serve some 200,000 people a day seeking information on reproductive health, birth control, sexually transmitted diseases, parenting, abortion and other topics, were being redirected to its Facebook pages for the time being, Laguens said.


Lyons acknowledged that he asked Healey only to review the practices of local Planned Parenthood facilities and urged “the attorney general to stay vigilant on this matter – this gruesome and grisly matter”.

A woman identified as Dr. Savita Ginde talks with undercover activists in the latest video targeting Planned Parenthood