
‘Lemonade’: Beyonce gets surreal in HBO special featuring fiery new music

If you want to stream Beyoncé’s latest album, Lemonade, you’ll need to use Tidal to do so. The most unprotected person in America is the black woman.


After leveling accusations in her song lyrics about being cheated on, Beyonce made clear in the last tracks of the new album that she has chose to reconcile with him and continue in the marriage. It is music. It is Beyoncé fiercely clutching a baseball bat and bashing in auto windows and fire hydrants and enjoying every second of her fiery tirade. The film features the mothers of Michael Brown and Trayvon Martin, two black men whose deaths were used to launched the anti-police Black Lives Matter movement.

Beyonce sure knows how to surprise her fans.

Like we said, there’s a war going on with music streaming.

She told the story of a woman not to be trifled with.

A number of songs, including “Pray You Catch Me” and “Don’t Hurt Yourself”, alluded heavily to the rapper’s long-rumored infidelity. Viewed by her fans as #BlackGirlMagic and #BlackExcellence incarnate, the self-proclaimed flawless icon has yet again instantaneously captured the attention of millions with her newest full-length and its cinematic companion.

What have we done to deserve such bounty from your loins, Queen Bey? Serena Williams and Jay-Z make guest appearances in the film, though do not appear on the album.


He remembers the singer, when asked if she ever experienced racism in her childhood, saying, “I feel like with my career I’ve now broken barriers”.

Beyonce released the album of'Lemonade exclusively on the Tidal streaming service led by Jay-Z