
24% Opt Out of a Clinton-Trump Race

In three of the biggest battleground states – Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Florida – Republicans were nonplused about Trump’s chances. In early March, 49% of voters told us they would definitely vote against Trump if he is the presidential nominee of the Republican Party, but almost as many (42%) said they would definitely vote against Clinton if she is the Democratic Party’s nominee. More importantly, he swept at least 105 of the 118 bound delegates available to get up to 950 of the 1,237 delegates he needs to secure nomination.


Did Mary Pat Christie roll her eyes at Trump?

The governor was asked to respond to Mary Pat Christie being the newest member of New Jersey’s first family to grab national attention for a facial expression while standing behind Trump during a campaign event.

Of the 54 available free-agent delegates in the state, 39 of them have said that they will support Trump on the first ballot of the Republican convention, media reports said yesterday.

Clinton’s allies note that Republican Donald Trump has been co-opting Sanders’ pitch against Clinton, which the businessman acknowledged Wednesday. The candidate helpfully answered the question by showing that there is nothing normal about his campaign for the presidency. Democrats and Republicans both accuse Trump of sexism over his verbal attacks on Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly and on former Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina, whose looks Trump insulted. Next Tuesday’s primary showdown in IN is crucial. And, yes, Trump said, he knew he was courting charges of sexism. “I don’t think we’ve said 50 words to each other in our lives”.

If Clinton manages an even wider advantage among women than Obama, Democrats say she may get a boost in states like Pennsylvania and Colorado, casting them out of Trump’s reach while allowing her to compete in GOP-leaning territory like Georgia and North Carolina.

Pelosi says in Washington that Clinton is playing the “experience card” and Trump is playing the joker.

Trump’s rival Cruz condemned these protestors alleging that they are trying to silence a voice that they do not like.

But US Representative Renee Ellmers of North Carolina said she believed Trump could overcome his unpopularity with women voters with straight talk and a plan of action. Men prefer Trump by six points, while women give Clinton the edge by a similar margin. The fact is there are very different visions for America between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. “Of course. I’m getting attacked by Hillary Clinton and her surrogates every damn day”.


“Trump is grinding the GOP to a stub”, said one Florida Republican, who was granted anonymity by Politico in exchange for speaking freely.

Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump their parties&#039 front-runners. AFP  Getty Images