
Cruz announces Fiorina as “running mate”

Frankly, if Hillary Clinton were a man, I don’t think she would get 5% of the vote. Heidi Cruz is proof that “strong women can accomplish anything in the United States of America”, he said after his Wisconsin win earlier this month.


The battle against Trump, the improbable Goliath, didn’t scare Fiorina at all.

But Mr. Cruz’s future doesn’t look promising after being mathematically eliminated from achieving the delegates needed to win the GOP presidential nomination outright.

“I think Ted Cruz’s tactics were wrong, there’s no honor in charging a hill that you know you can’t take”, Fiorina had said in 2013.

“To have someone who can speak forcefully for women in the Republican primary and as a potential vice president, spoke to me in terms of Senator Cruz’s commitment to issues facing women”, said Hershman.

Trump won more than 50 percent of the Republican votes in Pennsylvania, Connecticut and Maryland in Tuesday’s elections, and scored over 60 percent in DE and Rhode Island. Fiorina ran for Senate there in 2010, though she lost.

“So today I’m in the plane, and I see on television, they have, a new relationship has started: Cruz and Carly”, Trump began, regaling an excited crowd with the latest story in the news cycle.

On Thursday, Cruz flitted from one city to the next, mingling with voters in Fort Wayne and Elkhart before ending his day with a visit to South Bend. A bigger surprise than the early announcement, though, was who Ted Cruz’s running mate turned out to be. Richard S. Schweiker – as part of his bid to defeat President Gerald Ford.

Cruz was peppered with questions by reporters about whether picking Fiorina simply amounted to an act of desperation, something Trump has claimed. But her selection could also reopen criticisms that resurfaced during that failed run and her own White House campaign, over her tenure and eventual ouster from HP coupled with layoffs at the tech company.

Ted Cruz is aiming to take advantage of Donald Trump’s controversies with women – including his sparring with Hillary Clinton – to capture the IN primary.

“They’re not going to challenge the system – they are the system”, Fiorina said. She dismissed the notion that Republican primary voters are rejecting her characterization of Trump as a Clintonian liberal – in droves. She has called Trump a “serial philanderer” on the stump.


The strategy of courting evangelicals, a key voting bloc, makes sense.
