
Cruz called ‘Lucifer in the flesh’ by former top GOP leader

At Stanford University on Wednesday, former Sopeaker Boehner said Cruz was “Lucifer in the flesh”.


But Boehner re-upped the rhetoric by calling Cruz “the most miserable son of a…” he ever worked with, during a talk at Stanford. He also said he’d vote for Trump in a general election, but would never vote for Cruz.

Cruz told reporters that Boehner had “allowed his inner Trump to come out”, describing the former speaker’s remarks as “interesting”. “Trump, who’s Boehner’s “texting and golfing buddy”, or Carly & me?”, he wrote, referring to Carly Fiorina, his pick for vice-president in an eventual candidacy.

“None other than former Speaker of the House and Washington Cartel ringleader, John Boehner!”.

“I’ve never worked with John Boehner”, he said.

Cruz added a message to voters: “When John Boehner calls me Lucifer, he’s not directing that at me”.

On the Democratic side, Boehner called U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders the most honest politician in the race, though he stated that he disagreed with Sanders on all the issues.

The only other candidate still left standing, barely, is Senator Ted Cruz, and he happens to be even more despicable and reprehensible than Trump.

Republican presidential candidate Sen.

For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God. It would nearly be off-brand for too many senators to love him, as Chang pointed out.

Mr Boehner resigned last September under pressure from backbench conservatives allied with Mr Cruz.

That step eventually led to the partial shutdown of the government, a situation that undermined public confidence in the Republican Party.

Lee told host Mark Levin that he’d avoided saying anything disparaging against Boehner for years although he’d frequently disagreed with him, “because I respected him as a person, and I respected his office”.


Mr Cruz needs to win as numerous state’s 57 delegates if he has any hope of stopping Mr Trump reaching the nomination-winning 1,237-delegate majority, a target he is 250 short of.

Ted Cruz