
Bernie Sanders can make a comeback if this one thing happens

Though this one is a former adviser to Hillary Clinton. After briefly touching on Bernie Sanders’ Rhode Island win, which he called “the participation trophy of primary caucuses”, Colbert turned his attention to Trump’s “woman card” comments about Clinton. The comment echoed remarks Trump made after sweeping the Acela primaries Tuesday night, in which the mogul declared, “Frankly, if Hillary Clinton were a man, I don’t think she’d get 5 percent of the vote”.


Hillary Clinton’s campaign is having some fun – and raising some money – off Donald Trump’s recent claim that the Democratic frontrunner is playing the “woman card”. Of those supporters, 10 percent said that they would vote for Trump, while 77 percent said they’d go with Hillary Clinton in a general election.

But with a resurgent Clinton campaign riding high off East Coast victories, Sanders supporters are pointing to Clinton’s 480-superdelegate lead as proof, once again, that their candidate would never have been permitted to win the Democratic nomination.

An NBC News-Wall Street Journal poll this month found that among self-described primary voters, 78 percent of Democrats said they could see themselves supporting Clinton, while only 61 percent of Republicans said this of Trump. Mrs Clinton is reported to have once referred to Lewinsky – the White House intern who had an affair with her husband Bill when he was president – as “a narcissistic loony toon” in a private conversation. “That person is not Donald Trump”. But Sanders’s campaign has said that his new focus is on influencing the Democratic convention, meaning that he wouldn’t start any independent bid before the end of July.

Sanders revealed the changes on Wednesday, but the Vermont senator also said that he will remain in the race through the Democratic National Convention, “until the last vote is cast”.

It also doesn’t hurt to acknowledge that while Trump and Sanders supporters agree on plenty of economic issues, they differ drastically in demographics.

Yet Schumacher says she’s received vitriolic phone and email messages from self-identified Sanders backers and doesn’t quite understand how things got quite so nasty. He still isn’t a numeric lock to get to the 1,237 delegates he needs.

However, according to the same poll, 70 percent of women have an unfavorable view of Trump (as do 58 percent of men), for a net favorability rating of negative-47. “He can say whatever he wants to say about me, I could really care less”.

“There comes a time when you have to look at the reality”, Clinton said.


Trump’s strength as a businessman will “bring trade back to our country” and his stance on border control will guard against terrorists slipping into the country among refugees from Syria or Iraq, Meringo said.

Hillary Clinton’s campaign employees have started to head to battleground states prepare for the convention in July and narrow down a list of running mates